17 Jan

We are all sinners before God and guilty of sins of commissions and omissions. We all have hidden faults that are our blind spots which we are spiritually blind to see.

We can see other’s people’s weaknesses and failures but give excuses for our shortcomings and faults. Some people have unwittingly developed the habit of pointing out other’s people’s shortcomings to make themselves feel better.

We are all sinners before God, saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross, and was raised alive by the power of God. We should always humble ourselves before God and acknowledge that the salvation of our soul is based solely on the performance of Christ on the cross, not our performance.

We thank God that our salvation does not depend on our performances. How many are our sins and transgressions in the sight of God? 

God is a merciful, forgiving, and compassionate God who is long-suffering toward us mortals. God has fulfilled his promises to us that, though our sins are as red as crimson, they shall be white as cotton. Isaiah 1:18

He sent his son into the world to bear our sins and save us from ourselves. We are all saved by grace, so no man can boast before God.

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