20 Jul

In our personal lives, there would be times when our faith , level of commitment to God would be tested by God.  The question would then be to ask our self what do we do when we are tested. when things do not go our way, or we do not receive andsers to our prayers. What do we do if we are faced with a situatiion that does not make sence or we are being wrongly accused, misunderstood or treated unfairly 

There have been many examples in the scriptures when many of the men and women of faith were tested as to there levels of faith, commitment to God. Joseph was tested when he faced various adversities in life but he remain conmitted to God doing good and obeying God. 

Esther was tested as to her level of faith , whether she would help the jews who has condemned to die by Nabiai or fear for her life and refuse to plead with the king knowing she faced certain death. 

Abraham was tested by God when after waiting twenty years for a son that God promised to him that he would be father of many nations. Abraham obeyed God and was ready to sacrifice his son, even though what God asked him to do did not make sence. he never wavered through unbelief but abraham believed that God could raise the death alive and he can call into existence, things that do not yet exit

Altimately when we are tested , we should remenber that God is faithful and true. We remember that God works all things  together for the good of all who love him and work in according with his purpose and will.  We rememeber that God's plan for our lives, is not to harm us but to propers us and to give us a future and hope

I pray that when we are tested by God in our lives , we would stand firm in faith on God's words and promises, remembering that he who promised is faithful to fulfill and bring to past all that he has promised.

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