20 Jan

What a beautiful reminder of the grace and mercy of our God! He is the one who is truly in control, and we can trust in his sovereignty over all things. 

Despite our shortcomings and mistakes, God has chosen to extend his grace to us through the sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ.

In this world, we may feel overwhelmed by the challenges and difficulties that we face, but we can have peace in knowing that God is in control and that he has a plan for our lives. 

Let us lay our fears and worries at the foot of the cross, and trust in the one who holds all things together.

Let us also strive to live a life that honors God and reflects his grace and love to those around us. 

We may be just a drop in God’s bucket, but we have been chosen by him to be a vessel of his love and light in this world.  Let us embrace this calling with joy and gratitude.

In closing, let us give thanks to the God of all grace and peace, who has given us everything we need for life and godliness through his son, Jesus Christ. 

May we always be mindful of his love and his sovereignty, and may we live in peace, knowing that he is in control. Amen.

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