25 Jul

We as mortals sometimes feel weak and inadequate when faced with certain situations, problems or challenges. Paul had a thorn in his flesh in which he felt helpess and weak. he prayed three times for God to remove the thorn of flesh, agent of Satan that tormented him, but God told him, my grace is sufficeint for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Paul concluded that he would most gladly boast in his infirmities and weaknesses so that God's power can rest mightyly on him.  2 Corintians 12: 9-11

We are called to be rely on God's strength and power that works powerfully in us to solve any problems and challenges, when we feel helpless and weak. For God's power inside of us can do over and above what we can ever think of, expect, imagine. Ephesians 3.20 

In our own strength and limited wisdom, we can do nothing,  we have to rely on God's power that works powrfully in us. Christ has enjoin us to live our lives as branch of the vine. in ourselves we can do nothing but in Christ,  we  produce in abundant,  fruits of the spirit of Love, Joy , Peace, Gentleness, Goodness, Kindness, Humility, Patience Endurance, Faithfulness and Self Control.  

So we have to be strong in God's power and strengh. Our weaknesses set the stage for God to reveal to us, his mighty power and strength. God can work in any situations and our weaknesses do not hinder him. 

We also have to remember that all the saints and prophets started from a position of weakessess and grew in strength through God who strengthened them by his holy spirit to fulfil the tasks, he gave them to do

We should therefore as followers of Christ submit to God, acknowledge him in all your ways , let him empower us and direct our steps on his path to eternal life. Proverbs 3:6.  

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