24 Mar

Do not doubt but believe. Do not give in to doubts, for doubts are the weapon of the enemy to diminish our faith and to cause us not to believe in the word of God. Remember that not one stroke of the pen can be removed or changed in the eternal word of God.

 Heavens would go off like a puff and earth would wear out like a garment, but the eternal word of God shall exist for all eternity, so believe and do not doubt the word of God for it is life and unfolding of God’s word bring light to the heart and refreshes our soul. 

Doubts arise when we go by what we feel,  our emotions rather than the written word of God. Believe in the word of God and be at peace. Believe and do not doubt, for all the scriptures are written so that we may believe in the name of God’s divine son, and receive eternal life by our faith in him . 

The word has been written for us believers so that we may know and believe we have eternal life in the name of our lord, who by dying on the cross for our sins has saved us from the coming wrath of ungodly and unrepentant sinners, who continue to ignore his warnings in his written word and refuse to put their faith in the son of God, who took away the sins of the world.

The scriptures have been written  so that we may be encouraged to stand firmly in the eternal word of truth; persevere and endure in all our trouble and afflictions confident that our good and loving savior holds us up with his powerful hand and guides us through the thorny path of life that leads a joyful end in heaven

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