22 Mar

"Can a leopard change its spots? In the same way, can you start doing good because you have always done evil?"

Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, we inherited their sinful nature. We cannot, by our filthy rags of righteousness, change ourselves into a new person or remold ourselves from our old habits. 

David wrote in the Psalms that we are all born sinful from birth. We all must battle against our sinful nature each day. The battle we face each day is not physical, but against spiritual forces of wickedness and rulers of darkness in the seen and unseen world.

What are the solutions to all these battles and things that oppose us and prevent us from living a holy and righteous life in fear and obedience to God? The solution lies in committing our lives to Christ as our Savior. The solution to being a new person with a new mindset, free from our old sinful nature and old mindset, is being born again by committing our lives to Christ, confessing our sins, and accepting Him as our Lord and Savior. Letting the Holy Spirit take the lead in guiding us in God’s way of truth, light, and path to our heavenly home above.

We are changed into a new person with a new mindset when we commit our lives to Christ and are born again with the power of the Holy Spirit of truth. As it is written, "If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; the old has gone, the new is here!" Each day, we are being changed into the image of Christ our Lord, imitating His actions and words, and having a humble and gentle heart like Him. Christ's word to us believers is to cast all our burdens upon Him and put on His yoke, which is light and easy. We should take up our cross each day, and learn from Him, for He has a gentle and humble heart.

We are also given the Holy Spirit to help us become more like Christ, as our Savior walks alongside us, helping us take a little step of faith each day, believing and putting our complete trust in Him. We are also given batteries in the gift of the Holy Spirit to understand God’s truth and insight in His word and the power to stand firm on His word each day and believe.


  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Matthew 11:28-30
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