What is God's will for His redeemed children who put their faith in Jesus Christ, His Son? God has said that He is the sovereign God who knows the end from the beginning and has declared things from ancient days that are not yet done (Isaiah 46:10).
What is God's will for us believers? God's will is that we grow in knowledge of Him and His Son and to grow in spiritual maturity.
God's whole universe started as a small mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32). God initially created Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden. He put everything under man's feet and told them to grow, increase, and spread out over the earth's surface (Genesis 1:28). God wants us to grow in the knowledge of Him and His Son and grow into spiritual maturity. He wants us to be like curious toddlers, asking questions so that we can grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
God's counsel will prevail in the end, and His will be done in heaven and on earth (Matthew 6:10). As it was in the beginning, so will it be at the end. God's will is to bring everything He has created from the unseen into unity under Christ our Lord in one body, with Christ being the head of the body, and in one spirit with God ruling as sovereign Lord over all in love, unity, and harmony (Ephesians 1:9-10).
We pray that we continue to have a growth mindset, asking questions that challenge the status quo or anything that goes against God's written words in the Scriptures. We pray that the Holy Spirit of truth, which convicts the world of sins, points us to Jesus Christ, the Son of Righteousness, and reveals to us the day of judgment when all mortals shall account for every action on earth (John 16:8, Malachi 4:2, Revelation 20:12), continues to enlighten the eyes of our hearts so that we grow in understanding and shine like the brightness of heaven.
We pray that we believers in the son of God, grow in understanding and wisdom each day and point others to the good news of God's grace through their faith in Jesus Christ in this corrupted, polluted world tainted by mankind's sins, where many are walking in darkness and have no understanding of the truth that would set them free from the devil's pawnshop (John 8:32).