In God's word, we should put our complete hope. For God who speaks his word is a trustworthy, faithful, dependable God who is not a man that should lie or mortals that he should change his mind. God's yes is yes, and his no is his no.
In the book of his conversation with God, Job started from a position where he was self-focused. He was righteous before God, and he wished that God would grant him an audience to prove his integrity before God. He wanted God to show him where he had gone wrong.
In the middle of his book, he concluded his reflections that God sees him and knows the path that he takes and knows that he has always kept his feet close to the footsteps of the lord. He knows that when God tests him, his faith will shine forth more than gold perishes in the fire. Job decided to put his hope in God's word.
Christ, our lord, said in rebuking and warding off the devil's temptations in the wilderness. "Man shall live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
We are all called as children of God saved by our faith in Jesus Christ to stand firmly on the truths of God's words in the scripture.
To believe in God and his son whom he sent is a sinful offering to take away the world's sins. We are called to believe in every word of God in the scriptures because the word of God is the eternal truth that would ensure forever.
So Today, let us all let the word of God be a lamp for our feet and light for our path as we walk along the journey of faith toward eternal life in Christ Jesus.