14 Sep

 Prophecies are what God has foretold. There are two options before the Israelites and mankind: either obedience or disobedience. There are consequences for both. This is a retelling of the consequences of obedience and disobedience in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Choose today whether to obey God and receive His blessings or disobey God and suffer the woes and calamities that befall the ungodly. Unruly, disobedient, unfaithful, and wicked—choose between blessings or curses.

For us today, do we believe in Christ as Savior and Lord and live the rest of our lives in Him, who lives in us? Or do we ignore God's true word and depend on our works and righteousness rather than putting our faith and trust in God? We have a choice to make. To come to faith, we must act in trust toward God and commit to living by God’s truths. We are in union with Christ forever; He is in us and walks with us, leading us to eternal life and surpassing glory for the faithful.

Obedience, humility, contrition in heart and spirit, fear of God, and dread of His coming wrath that will fall on the wicked—we should carefully consider God's words of instruction and warning testimony. We should stand firm in faith, or we will not stand at all. We should wash ourselves in the blood of Christ and let our mouths and lips give powerful testimonies of God’s unfailing love, tender kindness, mercy, and grace toward us. Sing of God's power, glory, might, and His great and awesome works on our behalf.

God will punish not let the wicked and ungodly sinners who refuse to repent unpunished nor will he excuse disobedience or bad behavior because He is just and fair; He will judge fairly. Let us humble ourselves before God. We should not lean on our understanding. But submit to God in all things, big and small, and He will direct our steps. Eventually, God will bring everything—good and bad, things done in secret—to judgment. After judgment on the earth, He will bring salvation, renewal, and restoration to those who truly repent of their sins return to him, and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

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