23 Aug

The Lord is our shepherd and we are his sheep. He created us, he is our God and we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

The lord is our good shepherd who loves and cares for us each day, we are sufficient in him each day. He  provides us with all things and all the resources we need for each day. He is the shepherd who created  us in his image. He is our God and we are the his pasture. He  lead us beside still waters and refreshes our soul each of our life. 

Our God is our good shepherd, who provides with rest and refreshments for our souls in the past as we look back on our past and remember the many times he delivered us from our past troubles, bind up our wounds, refreshes our soul and healed  us.  

We look at the present, we  see that the lord is our ever present helper,  in times of troubles. He gives us strength and bright hope for the future.  When do not dwell  we  focus to the future, we know that weeping endures for the night but joy comes in the morning, that our present troubles is nothing compared to the all surpassing glory to come

Our lord the good shepherd is a lamb who lay down his life on the cross for us,  his sheep to take away our guilty conscience, washing away our sins by his blood and giving us eternal life through our faith in him as our Lord and Saviour

Our shepherd provides us with rest and refreshment, that we need,  through his words,  power of his presence and his holy spirit within us. The Lord is our shepherd, who goes ahead of us, he is  a  rear guard behind us. Our shepherd knows us, his sheep and the sheep knows their shepherd, recognises his voice,  and follows him as he led them on the road towards everlasting life guiding and directing each of their steps every day.

The lord is a our shepherd , who is a mighty warrior at our side, in whom we daily fix our eyes the author and perfecter of our faith, so that we  remain unshaken by our daily troubles and trials knowing that he has conquered the world on our behalf and made us more conquerors through our faith in the Father and his son, who he sent to take away, the sins of the world.

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