08 Aug

There are many times in our lives,  when we need to be still and wait patiently rather than engaging in mindless striving, laboring, and  trying to figure things out in our limited understanding and power. 

God's word to us is "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46.10. We do need to obey God's command to avoid digging ourselves further into the pit. We should not be like the man falling into a quicksand, who kept struggling and striving, which resulted in him sinking further into the mud.

One of the fruits of the spirit is patience. The testing of our faith produces patience. We need to cultivate patience as a virtue. In our human nature, we want things to happen fast, but we have to trust in God's pecfect timing, wait on the lord and be patience

Christ is the living stone and we are God's chosen people. Let us submit to the power and direction of the holy spirit and wait patiently for the lord, while we wait , he give us courage to bear up in times of testing and difficult situation and strengthen our hearts while we are waiting. 

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