01 Aug

God's presence, is our only place of refuge and place of protection. We should be at rest and calm at all times in his presence where there is fullness of joy and gladness of heart. No matter the chaos and tumults going on around us, we should stay calm at all times, knowing that he is a mighty warrior at our right hand, who no longer rebuke us but rejoices over us with singing. 

He has promised to be with us in times of trouble. He will protect us and rescue us from the hands of the enemy. We should therefore not be afraid or have fear of sudden disaster, dreadful diseases or enemies attacks, since God's presence is always with us. He has promised that he will keep us from all harms and watch our coming and goings. 

The Lord is our good shepherd and therefore we lack nothing. He provides us with everything we need each day and is always at our side to help us, protect us and direct us in his way everlasting. We need to be still in his presence and wait patiently as he strengthens our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Christ, Our Lord has commanded that we should not let our hearts to be troubled. For he has conquered the world on our behalf. . 

We should therefore put our trust and confidence in God, who is a promise keeper.

Zephaniah 3.17

Psalm 121 7-8

John 16.33

Exodus 14:14

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