The devil is like a roaring lion, constantly seeking someone to devour. Therefore, we must remain alert to his evil desires and deceitful schemes. All the devil wants is to steal our joy, destroy us, deceive us, and ultimately bring us to ruin. To counter his schemes, we must first submit ourselves to God, relying on His power, strength, and wisdom. We should not rely on our own limited abilities.
Once we have fully submitted to God, we gain the power to resist the devil through the strength of the Holy Spirit that God has bestowed upon us. By wielding the spiritual weapons that God has provided, such as the Word of God (referred to as the sword of the spirit), praying in faith, and worshiping and praising God through hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs, we can bring down every stronghold of the devil.
We should put on the full armor of God to shield ourselves from the devil's flaming arrows and evade his traps. It is crucial to stay vigilant and ask ourselves what the devil aims to achieve in every situation that tests our faith. The devil's primary goal is to rob us of our joy, as when we are depressed or stressed, we lose our strength and feel defeated. Therefore, we need to exercise patience during afflictions and trials, holding onto our inner peace.
The devil knows that God's Word can only be sown in a heart at peace. Thus, he seeks to induce stress, anger, and the loss of our peace, leading us to feel guilty and devoid of joy. To counter this, we must remain alert and walk in the strength that God, through His Holy Spirit, provides. We need to cling to the peace of God and find joy in all circumstances. As the Scripture says, "The joy of the Lord is our strength."
Let us not allow the devil to steal our joy. Instead, let us rejoice in the Lord always, knowing that we are blessed, loved, and fully accepted in the beloved through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for our sins. we have been justified in the name of our lord jesus Christ and by spirit of God. Remember, the devil is a liar and a destroyer; whose sole aim is to steal our joy. Do not fall for his lies and deception."