21 Jul

Do not despise the days of small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.”(The seven lamps represent the eyes of the Lord that search all around the world.) Zachariah 4:10

In everything we do we should not despite the days of small beginnings. everything in life begins with a small steps. In one of the parables that Christ gave us to understand God's kingdom, he said the kingdom of God is like a small mustard seed, that started small. the smallest of seeds which grew up to become the tallest tree in the field and all the birds perched on it.

Scientists has confrimed that the universe started with a big bang and then expanded. The recent pictures of images of universe from John webb's telescope help us to look back in time to the beginning billions of years ago confirming the truth of God's word.

Most of the biggest companies in the world started small. Most of the biggest companies in the future are just starting now,  as  small mustard seeds.

We should therefore heed God's advice to start small.  We should not despise the days of our small beginnings. Whatever Dreams, Plans, Goals you set for yourself , start small with the help of powerful hand of God holding you up and directing your steps in his ways.

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