21 Dec

It is important to open our hearts and let Jesus into our hearts to sit at the center as the Lord of lords and King of kings. We mustn't resist God and kick against the goad, for we would hurt ourselves and others by going against God’s will and purpose for our lives. We need to accept God’s call in our lives to be witnesses and servants of God, like Paul, calling people from darkness to light and from Satan to God. This is the central lesson of Acts 26.

As it is written, a time would come when people would be walking in darkness and would not understand the signs of the time. However, a few who understand would shine like a light, and those who understand and point others to the light would shine like the brightness of heaven. It is pointless and futile to go against God’s will.

On the way to Damascus, Paul began to doubt his own actions after witnessing Stephen's testimony about Christ before he was stoned to death. Paul heard Christ's voice asking why he was persecuting His body and that it is pointless, futile, and ruinous to go against God’s will. Are we resisting God's will and going against His plans for our lives? Like oxen that need to be prodded in the right direction, is God using a pointed goad to cause us pain to turn us in the right way and turn us away from wicked ways? For He is the sovereign Lord over all things in heaven and earth, and His will shall be done in heaven and earth.

It is important to do His will and purpose, accept His call to serve, and be His witness to glorify His name before all men. We must not go against His will, for that will be pointless and ruinous for ourselves and others. Through Jesus Christ, all our sins are forgiven, and we are sanctified by faith in Him.

It is important to let others know of God’s love and the salvation of our souls by putting our complete trust in God and accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior. From our hearts flow all evil desires—murder, fornication, evil thoughts, anger, pride, and carnal desires. Only Christ can purge our hearts of all sins that lead to death. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me. I and the Father are one, and we will eat with him and him with us."

 Accept Christ as Lord and Savior and let Him rule in our hearts as His blood washes us clean, making us unblemished in the sight of the Father, covered by His unbounded grace.

Jesus is Lord today, yesterday, and forevermore. Put your complete trust in Him. "It is in returning to me and resting in me that you shall be saved. Your strength shall be proved to be in quietness and complete trust in me."

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