Put your complete trust in God and not in mortals or princes. What the enemy meant for evil, God uses for good (Genesis 50:20). The Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, does not grow weary or faint. He has never forgotten our cause; He will never forsake or reject us. We put our complete trust in Him, confident that in His unfathomable ways, He will work all things together for our good as we walk in His ways, will, and purpose (Romans 8:28).Let us hold on to the faith in God and His Son that we profess, confident that He is faithful to all His promises (Hebrews 10:23).
None of His abiding words or promises shall fail; our salvation is guaranteed by the blood of Christ shed on the cross. We, therefore, continue to stand firm in faith in God and His Word and promises. We continue with patience, love, and restraint, allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our minds and lives so that, in conduct, attitude, and behavior, we imitate our Lord and Savior. With humble and lowly hearts, we become more Christ-like in our character, paying each day the only debt left for us, saved by the grace of God - to love others unconditionally, as God has loved us unconditionally (John 13:34-35).
We are called by Psalm 141 to persevere in faith and put our complete trust in God, holding firmly to faith in God and His Son in the midst of challenging situations and difficulties. God uses challenging circumstances to strengthen His toughest soldiers who persevere and endure through trials and temptations, knowing that victory always belongs to Jesus. We continue to fix our eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith, Christ Jesus, who is our advocate in heaven before the throne of the Father, pleading our cause even when we sin and do not know what to do (Hebrews 4:15-16).
God is a sovereign Lord who controls all things, and His invisible hand is still working all things together for the good (Isaiah 64:8). The devil's goal is to make us feel crushed, hopeless, and defeated, but in Christ, he has conquered the world and death on our behalf. So, we hold onto faith and put our complete trust in Him. In quietness and complete trust in God, our strength is found, as Isaiah told the Israelites (Isaiah 30:15)."