Have nothing but unconditional love for others. The second greatest commandment of God to us is to love others as we love ourselves.
God is love, and when we love others, God manifests his love in us. When we love others, we show that we know God.
Not that we love God, but God first loves us. He has proved his unconditional love, sending his son to die on the cross for the atonement of our sins.
We should love others in obedience to God's commands. Be merciful and forgiving to others when they sin or do wrong against us, just as God is merciful and gracious towards us when we confess our sins, repent and return to him.
God has given us unconditionally the joy of his presence, the power of his holy spirit to empower us in our weaknesses, the salvation of our souls, and his all-sufficient grace in times of trials and testing of our faith.
All God requires of us is to believe in the son, he sent from heaven as sin's offering, for us repent of our sins return to him and make him our refuge and fortress