Mighty Heavenly Father, Creator of the heavens and the earth, nothing is too hard for You to do. From the time before and after the foundation of the earth was laid, You have always done the impossible.
Doing the impossible is nothing to You. You are the God of all flesh, and nothing is too hard for You to do. Would You say something and not do it? Would You promise something and not carry it out? With man, it can seem impossible, but not with God. God's specialty is doing the impossible.
You are the God of signs and wonders. The Lord, the Lord God, merciful, gracious, long-suffering, righteous, and just. May our lips continually sing Your praise. May we continue to rejoice and be glad in You each day. May we continue to rejoice in our afflictions each day. To thank You and worship You in every situation, whether favorable or adverse, knowing that You are a good and faithful God who sees us, watches over us affectionately each day, like a father watches over and cares for his children, desiring the best and planning the best for them.
Thank You that in You, we have everything we need. You are forever present with us and will never forsake or reject us. You are our Lord, our God who goes with us, wherever we go, who is with us always, who is our rear guard, who fights all our battles for us.
Faithful and true to Your words and every promise, are You, oh Lord. You are the God who forgives all our transgressions and iniquities, though they are more numerous than the hairs on our heads. You are the God who has promised to cast all our sins and iniquities into the bottom of the sea and never to raise any of our sins against us.
Thank you for Your unfailing love, tender mercies, and unbound grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thak you that we are each day being continually changed into our Savior's image by Your great marvelous power in us that helps us to live, move, and exist.
Thank you that You are our God who does over and above what we can ever think of, imagine, or expect according to His power that is at work in us.