07 Aug

As children of God redeemed through our faith in Christ, we are not fighting for victory over the enemy and the world,  we already have victory over the enemy and the world. Christ  dying on the cross for our sins has conquered death and sins for us believers and his blood washes away all our sins. 

As his word says ,  Christ made a spectacle of Satan and all the spiritual forces of darkness and powers of this world, when he died on the cross. christ was delivered to the cross for our transgressions and raised alive for our justification. Christ is the perfect lamb of God, who  has made us right with God. We are God's chosen people who has being rescued from devil's pawnshop into the kingdom of light of his son. We are more than conquerors over the world though our faith in God's son. As jesus said. "in this world, you shall have troubles but be of good cheers,  for has  conquered the world on your behalf".

There are 2.7 billion Christians who put their faith in Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. there are more than 380 million Christians in various paths of the world, who   are being prosecuted or suffering violence for their faith in Jesus Christ.

We  put our hope in God's eternal words to  gives us the confidence and assurance that as redeemed children of God, we have victory over the world, over our sinful nature and all our enemies. Jesus's word says we should not let our hearts be troubled for he has conquered the world on our behalf, by dying on the cross for our sins.

God's word says "The stone the builders rejected,  has become the cornerstone: the lord's migthy and marvelous hands and has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. the lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice and be glad".  Psalm 118.  Chirst is the stone that the builders rejected, that has beome the cornerstone. He sits at the right hand of God pleading his blood and asking for God's mercy and help on our behalf , when we fail or fall short. So be patience and put your faith in God.

Today is the day that Christ died for our sins and rose again from death. God holds time and space in his hands and he operates outside time and space.

Today is the day of salvation and our victory over Satan, all the spiritual forces of evil and wickedness of this world. Today, Let us rejoice and be glad for Jesus has conquered the world on our behalf.

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